Mar 01 2018

March Newsletter

Published by at 12:55 pm under Writing

I’m posting the (slightly abridged) contents of my March 1 newsletter below, for those of you who aren’t on the mailing list and might be curious about it. There’s no specific schedule, but it comes out roughly every month or two depending on what (if any) news there is. Nobody likes spam.

As mentioned last time, I’m slowing the writing pace a bit this year (after four releases from October 2016 to December 2017). I’m doing more world-building (and expanding the wiki), as well as getting some short stories out. The books are coming too, though. I’m making significant progress on Alpha Centauri: Kakuloa (the fourth in the trilogy, grin) and the fourth Carson & Roberts book (working title is either The Pavonis Surprise or The Pavonis Insurgence). A third release this year is a possibility.

Kakuloa will likely have some scenes that tie back to incidents in the Jason Curtis story “Renee”, but from a different viewpoint. (The scenes are drafted, not 100% sure if they’ll make the final cut yet.) I’m aiming to have this out before Westercon, which brings me to my next topic….

My plans for this year definitely include StarFest (Denver, April 20-22), Westercon 71 (Denver, July 4-8), and MileHiCon 50 (Denver, Oct 19-21). You may notice a geographic theme there. I also plan to get to at least one of WorldCon 76 (San Jose, Aug 16-20) and/or DragonCon (Atlanta, Aug 30-Sep 3. This one is huge, more like Comicon.) If you make it to any of these, find me and say hi. If there’s a regional convention you like to attend that I haven’t mentioned, let me know. I can’t make any promises here, but I’m always open to visiting new places.

SpaceX FH dual landing.SpaceX Starman, Tesla

Because these are just cool.

(thanks, SpaceX)

If you’re interested, you can sign up for the newsletter here.

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