Apr 18 2009

Internet timesinks

Published by at 12:18 am under Uncategorized,Writing

As if I wasn’t already spending too much time on other people’s web sites instead of getting writing done, I now find myself  in a few Yahoo! groups (relevant to a writer’s workshop coming up in June), Livejournal, (because Eric Reynolds, my editor for Footprints, was there, as were a few co-contributers) and now Facebook (again, several co-contributers to Footprints and a number other authors I know, and a few family members).  Problem is, I just spent (I won’t say “wasted”, since it wasn’t totally unproductive) several hours on Facebook instead of getting things done.  Like finishing the short story I’m working on, or writing the new scenes for Venaticorum Archive to bring it up to saleable length.  Sigh.

Speaking of Footprints, Eric now has a proof copy and posted a picture of it of Facebook, it looks great.  I can hardly wait to my hands on a copy.

The workshop I mentioned above is being presented by Dean Wesley Smith and Kristine Kathryn Rusch, both prolific and award-winning writers. He just sent us details on accomodation, and there are still a few slots left.  If you’re interested in selling a novel or becoming a professional writer, it could be worth your while.  They did a very abbreviated version of the “Kris’n’Dean show” at the Denver Worldcon last summer, it was fantastic.

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