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Alpha Centauri: The Return

Chronicles the return of part of the first interstellar expedition to the Alpha Centauri system, and the attempts to get a return mission to retreive the remainder of the crew (see Sawyer's World). It also covers the events of the Chinese mission to Epsilon Eridani, hinted at in the first book.


Ships of the First Expedition

USS Robert A. Heinlein - US, fleet flagship, non-lander, returns to Earth
Xing Hua - China, non-lander, missing
Chandrasekhar - India, lander, first landing returns to Earth
Krechet - Russia, lander, second landing, abandoned on Kakuloa
USS Poul Anderson - US, backup lander, lands on planet Able (Sawyer's World)

Anderson Landing Party

Acting Captain Elizabeth Sawyer PhD - US, pilot and geologist
Fred Tyrell, PhD - US, geologist
Ulrika Klaar, PhD, - (Russia? Europe?) zoologist
Roger Dejois, PhD, - France, biologist/ecologist
Jennifer Singh, PhD - India, botanist
Pavel Kasynsky MD, Russia, physician, biologist
Peter Finley, PhD - (Cdn), geologist/hydrologist
Naomi Maclaren (Aus-US) engineer

Chinese Ships (secret expedition to Epsilon Eridani)

Xinglong Hua
Tianlong Hua

Chinese Crew

Lee Shing - Captain of Xing Hua and Xinglong Hua
Zhing Yuan - Captain of Tianlong Hua

Other named personnel (gender given for those unfamiliar with Chinese names)

Chen Jingyun - first officer and navigator of Xinglong (M)
Wang Wei - scientist (M)
Zhang Min - scientist (F)
Cheng Jun - pilot of Xinglong (M)
Ping Wei - medic, lands with Xinglong (M)
Jian Qing - on Xinglong (F)
Fusheng Bai - scientist on Xinglong (M)