Mar 28 2021


Published by at 4:09 pm under Conventions,T-Space,Writing

I’m not quite sure how it happened (other than “one day at a time”), but almost seven months has passed since I last updated this. My apologies! And, if you posted a comment that got lost in the 2,556 spam posts (I’m not kidding) awaiting moderation, I deleted it. Again, my apologies. And f*k 2020.

I’ll post more in a day or two when I have a chance to organize my thoughts, (I promise!), but meanwhile, a teaser:

         Cover - "Gunfight on Europa Station"

The sharp-eyed will notice my name in that list of authors. This upcoming anthology, Gunfight on Europa Station, includes my new T-Space story, “Raven’s Rift.” Yes, it is the Raven’s Rift incident mentioned in Carson & Roberts’ backstory. Release date is November 2 of this year, from Baen Books. I wish it were sooner, but that’s out of my hands.

I will be releasing other books (and possibly short stories) before then. More on that in my next post. Also, MileHiCon will be back this year, first weekend of October (earlier than usual). Of course I’ll be there. Also in Vegas in November. Stay tuned.

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