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The Creatures of T-Space

This page describes or links to pages describing various fauna of T-Space, except for intelligent species. This includes both animals originally descended from Earth ancestors imported by the Terraformers, and those which have may arisen separately.

Terraformed Worlds


Tree Squids

These are considered at least somewhat sentient. See Tree Squids.

Runny Babbit

A small rabbit-like animal, but adapted for running rather than hopping. Determined to be related to pika.


Other animals mentioned include:

  • a jellyfish similar to a Portugese Man'o'War, but with green tentacles and a double sail
  • various birds, including gull and crow analogs
  • a 20-foot (6m) coelecanth-like fish
  • an absence of sharks

Sawyer's World


Probably related to Paraceratherium, a rhinoceros lacking horns but as tall as a giraffe and weighing as much as three elephants.

Terror Bird

Akin to terrestrial terror birds.

Tyrell's Uglibeast

Wild-boar sized omnivore. So named when discoverer Fred Tyrell said "man, that's an ugly beast!"

Finley's Leopard

Felinoid ambush predator, with spots. Habitat is wooded terrain about 100 km from Anderson landing site.


  • A potentially poisonous salamander is mentioned.
  • A (presumed extinct) paleolithic tool-making species



Not a true mammoth, but similar in appearance.

Dire wolf

More like an Amphicyon, or primitive bear-dog, but the first discovers weren't aware of same. Since they're big and somewhat wolf-like, they were initially called dire wolves.


  • A species of ant, or very ant-like insect.


Jade Ribbon Snake

A bright green "flying" snake. It can flatten itself to a ribbon shape to glide from and between trees. Its venom is extremely toxic.


  • mosquitoes

Chara III

Sabre Civet

Something like a sabretooth cat or tiger, but closer to a (large) civet. The main incisors are about 4 inches (10 cm) long. One attacks Marten the timoan (in The Chara Talisman)


  • blackflies
  • a (presumed extinct) species capable of agriculture (evidence includes terraced fields and stone fences)


This is the home planet of timoans, a sentient species descended from an animal distantly related to meerkats and mongoose.


Mention in passing:

  • A moose-like creature, prendal
  • A deer-like animal, pragarth

Non-Terraformed Worlds

Life forms on non-terraformed worlds are assumed to be indigenous, although their microbial ancient ancestors may have arrived via panspermia (as may life on Earth, for that matter).

Kapteyn's II

The planet is described as having very primitive life, and has enough free oxygen in the atmosphere to suggest that it is photosynthesizing (although their is a lethal-to-humans carbon dioxide level).